Online application:Fishery Development Officer & Allied cadre under Fishery Department | APSC| Download advertisement

 Online Application :Fishery Development Officer & Allied cadre under  Fishery Department | APSC| Download advertisement

Assam Public Service Commission invites application from Indian Citizens as defined in Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India for the under-mentioned posts under Assam Government in the scale of pay as indicated below and carrying usual allowances as admissible under Rules of the Govt. of Assam.
1. NAME OF THE POST :- Fishery Development Officer & Allied cadre under Fishery Department 2. NO. OF POST :- 12 (Twelve)
Open Category:5
 STH: 01
Post Reserved for PWD & Type of Disability: 02
*Reservation as per draft advertisement received from Government against total numbers of posts in the cadre.
3. Scale of Pay :- Rs. 30,000/-1,10,000/-PB-4 with Grade Pay of Rs.12,700/-plus other allowances as admissible under Rules of the Govt. of Assam.
 4. Eligibility Criteria (i). The candidate must be a permanent resident of Assam.
 (ii).The candidates must produce PRC issued in Assam for educational purpose as proof of residency along with application form.
 5. Educational Qualification :- 
(i). Minimum Qualification: B.F.Sc. Degree from any College/University recognized by I.C.A.R. or D.F.Sc. or Master of Science (Fisheries) from C.I.F.E., Mumbai or any other institute of I.C.A
 (ii).Preference will be given to those candidates having experience in serving Fishery Deptt. under various projects related to Aquaculture and Fishery Extension. (Attach self attested valid supporting documents. Candidates must submit their all semester/year wise marksheets)
 6. Age :- The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01-01-2019. The upper age limit is relaxable -
(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates i.e upto 43 years.
 (ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e upto 41 years as per Govt. Notification No. ABP. 6/2016/9 dated Dispur the 25th April 2018. 
(iii) For Persons with Disabilities (PWD) by 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and General Category of candidates as per Govt. Notification No. ABP 144/95/121 dated Dispur the 28th October, 2015. The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation /HSLC Admit Card/ Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council and no other document shall be accepted in lieu of the mentioned documents.
 7. For PWD Category Candidates:- To be eligible for consideration under PWD category, a candidate must possess Benchmark Disability and must produce supporting necessary certificate issued by the competent authority along with Application Form.
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Online Application :Fishery Development Officer & Allied cadre under  Fishery Department | APSC| Download advertisement

 a. The candidates should carefully go through the terms and conditions of the advertisement, particularly (i) Educational qualification (ii) Age limit and (iii) Experience where experience is necessary.
 b. Only those candidates who fulfill all the terms and conditions of the advertisement in respect of the post for which they are applicants shall be entertained. Others need not apply.
 c. The candidates shall have to produce identity proof like Pan Card, Driving Licence,Passport, Current ID card issued by the educational institutions, Voter ID Card, Aadhar Card (wherever applicable) at the time of Screening/Written test and VivaVoice/ Interview. 
d. The candidates should visit the commission’s website regularly. If the commission decides to hold written examination/screening test, the syllabus will be uploaded only in the APSC website. 
e. The name of the post applied for should be clearly written in “bold letters” in the Envelope containing the application form and it should be addressed to the Deputy Secretary, APSC, Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022.
 f. Application form may be obtained by downloading from the APSC’s website . Application form DR (New form). 
g. The last date of receiving duly filled up application form in the Commission’s office is fixed on 03/02/2020 during office hours.
 h. Applications (including applications received through post) received after the last date fixed for receipt shall not be entertained.
 i. Only applications which are signed by the candidates and accompanied by all particulars as called for in the application form prescribed by the Commission shall be considered and candidates fulfilling all the terms of the advertisement of the respective posts shall be called for a Screening/Written test / Viva-voce interview, where necessary and as decided by the Commission.
 j. (i) All candidates, whether in Government Service or in Government owned undertaking or other similar organizations/Corporations/boards/ or in private employment may intimate their controlling authority instead of routing it through them. However, the fact of the endorsement by the controlling officer may be duly intimated to the Commission by the candidate. In cases where the applications are to be moved through proper channel as per terms of advertisement or subsequent announcements, the applications must be received before the last date of submission of the applications. (ii) The Commission shall in no way be responsible if any candidate is not allowed to sit in the examination or after appointment is not released by the concerned authority. 
k. The candidates must clearly state the documents enclosed with the application in the relevant section of the application form.
Fishery Development Officer & Allied cadre under  Fishery Department

Fishery Development Officer & Allied cadre under  Fishery Department

As per Govt. Notification No. FEG.32/2016/8-A dated Dispur the 28th October, 2016 communicated vide letter No. ABP.60/2014/11 dated 2nd February 2018 the Application Fees for all post under the State Govt. of Assam shown as below: 
1. For General/EWS Candidate : Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty) only. 
2. For SC/ST/OBC/MOBC : Rs.150/- (Rupees one hundred and fifty) only.
 3. For BPL Candidate : Nil (Candidate having BPL certificate should produce their photocopy of certificate along with the Application Form). 
4. As per Govt. Notification No. ABP 144/95/121 dated Dispur the 28th October, 2015 for persons with disabilities (PWD) candidates, the Application Fees for all posts under the State Govt. of Assam is Nil. PWD candidates should enclose with the application from photocopy of necessary certificate from a competent authority. Fees should be deposited only through Treasury Challan in the Head of Account “NON TAX REVENUE, OTHER NON TAX REVENUE 0051 PSC, 105 STATE PSC APPLICATION FEE RECEIPT OF APSC” showing name of post and department. Original copy of Treasury Challan should be submitted along with the application form. 

a. Applicants must affix 1 (One) copy of recent photograph firmly on the space provided in the application form with good quality glue/adhesive and should also enclose another copy along with the application form. The photograph must be signed prominently. The Commission shall not be responsible for detachment/ loss of the photograph.
 b. Since the practice of furnishing attested copies of certificates/mark sheets etc. by competent authority has been discontinued by the Govt., the applicant shall furnish copies of certificate/mark sheet etc. declared by himself/herself as “certified to be true copy of the original” along with the application form. 
c. Applications must be accompanied by self attested copies of the under-mentioned documents, which should be tagged well without any chance of getting lost in transit. Applications which are not accompanied by anyone of the under-mentioned documents/ requirments will not be entertained. 
1. Original treasury Challan depositing prescribed application fee wherever necessary as per terms of advertisement containing details of posts applied for. 
2. Age proof certificate (HSLC/Class X Board Admit Card/Pass Certificate).
 3. Certificates & mark sheets of all examinations from HSLC onwards up to the level of qualifying examination.
 4. Caste certificate (wherever necessary) of reserved categories issued by appropriate authority. 
5. Disability certificate(wherever necessary) 
6. Two copies of recent passport size photograph with white background. 
7. Signature( scanned copy to be uploaded in online mode when available) 
8. Experience certificates (wherever necessary) indicating the period of Service/Experience with dates.
 9. BPL certificate/EWS certificate (wherever necessary) 
Incomplete application in terms of the Advertisement will be summarily rejected. No documents will be entertained after the last date of submission of application. 
 1. The candidates before applying for the post(s)/service(s) should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions. Their admission at all the stages of selection in which they are admitted by the Commission will be purely provisional and under scrutiny, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time or any stage before or after the Preliminary Examination/Screening Examination or/and Main/Written Examination and Interview Test, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the post(s)/service(s) will be cancelled by the Commission.
 2. It is for the candidates themselves to see whether they satisfy the prescribed physical requirement (physical standard) and whether he/she is eligible to apply where Examination of physical standard is conducted by the State Govt. before making any appointment.
 3. No request for withdrawal of candidature received from a candidate after he/she has submitted his/her application will be entertained under any circumstances. 
4. At any stage of the selection process no candidate shall be allowed to change his/her category (of caste etc)/sub-category/sub-categories as claimed by him/her in the original application form/online application form submitted to the Commission.
 5. The candidates who furnish wrong, erroneous or incorrect information in their application form may be disqualified from appearing for any post before the Commission up to a period to be specified by the Commission.
 6. In case of detection of any false declaration / statement made by any applicant, his/her application will be rejected and will also be penalized as per prevailing Rules/Law. If in any case, submission of false material facts with a view to hoodwinking the Commission is detected even after the recommendation is made, the Commission may refer the matter to Government for taking necessary


The selection procedure will be notified later on by issuing a corrigendum/addendum. The commission will decide the provision for selection in respect of any post/posts or service/ services considering the status, cadre and grade or the number of applications received for the advertised post/posts or service/ services. The list of candidates whose applications are found valid or rejected after scrutiny will be made available in the Assam Public Service Commission’s website ( showing grounds of rejection in due course. 
The last date of receiving duly filled up application:03/02/2020

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